
Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Seven years ago today, I said "I do" to the man of my dreams. There are a lot of cheesy things I could say about him and about us...

... and about our little family.

But mostly, I would just like to say: I love you, Dan. And I still can't quite believe how much I lucked out when you got down on one knee in the snow and asked me to be your wife. I have absolutely adored spending the first seven years of the rest of my life with you, and if I had it to do all over again, I'd marry you again in a heartbeat.
Photo credit: Jenni Grace Photography


  1. happy anniversary! you guys are adorable together and made an adorable child and i wish for you another seven hundred years of happiness.

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Congrats guys!!
