
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Things that are awful #92: Packing

I had a post that was about 95% completed to post on Christmas, and then I forgot to finish/post it. So, um. I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! Now here's some random whining...

Ever since I was a kid attending summer camp, I've had this problem with packing. If I don't finish packing more than a week before I have to leave to go somewhere, I start having dreams that it's time to leave and I suddenly realize I haven't packed anything. Or I've packed all the wrong things. (A week before my wedding, my brain took a break from wedding-disaster nightmares [ie, It was our wedding day and I realized I had forgotten to book a reception venue. Our organist couldn't come because his wife was in labor, so his brother filled in, but the only song he knew how to play was "Jingle Bells." Our whole wedding party changed into muddy jeans and sweatshirts right before we were supposed to have photos taken,] to dream that we arrived at our honeymoon resort, I opened my suitcase, and I realized I had only packed socks. Just a suitcase full of socks.) So I have to start packing ridiculously early to stave off the nightmares.

And I have to pack everything. EVERYTHING. I always pack more clothes than I could possibly wear even if I changed three times a day. For a weekend trip, I pack enough underwear to last me for a month. Because you can never have too much underwear. You just can't.

Yes, there really is a suitcase under there.

(I periodically see article/blog posts/Pins with titles like "How to pack for two weeks using only your carry-on" or "Pack enough outfits for a month with only six items of clothing," and I laugh and I laugh, because I can only assume they were written as jokes.)

And now that I'm a mom, it's gotten worse. Because in addition to thinking things like, "But what if I only bring gray yoga pants and then I suddenly really, really want black ones?" I now have this whole other person to overpack for. "I already packed the blanket that says "Lucas" on it, but what if it's bedtime, and he decides he needs the guitar blanket? I'm bringing his sweatpants and khakis and cargo khakis and jeans and athletic pants and fleece pants, but what if there's an occasion that demands corduroys?" Like I said, I have a problem. The ultimate in packing anxiety happens if I'm flying, because airlines have this rule that your suitcase can only weigh 50 pounds or less, and if it weighs 51 pounds, you have to pay a million dollars (give or take.) Which makes it very hard to pack all of the shoes you own, just in case.

Anyway, my newest strategy that is (kind of, maybe, just a little bit) helping me to be ever-so-slightly less ridiculous is that I pack everything Lucas and I own (like always,) but then a day or two before it's time to leave, I take everything out of the suitcase, and then before I put each item back in, I ask myself questions like, "Ok, but do I really need eight pairs of pajama pants?" (Answer: yes.)

There's really no point to this post other than for me to whine a little bit. But if you have any awesome packing tips, please share them in the comments! As long as the tips aren't things like "You should only pack one pair of pants and two shirts." Because you'll give me nightmares.


  1. I have packing nightmares every single time I go anywhere!! The worst is in almost every dream I only have like 10 min to pack and everything is in the dirty laundry:)Also I totally over pack all the time because the few times I tried to pack light I always wish I had brought more! It's why I love traveling by car:)

    1. Traveling by car is definitely, packing-wise. If only we didn't have to worry about how our toddlers handle long trips! ;)

  2. Have you ever tried a packing list? It could be generic or specific. Ruth gave me one that helped with Disney.

    1. I haven't tried one! Did she find the list or make it herself?

  3. Roll your clothes! It's the best way to get a lot in a suitcase. I learned this from my ever wise younger sister when we were going to Arizona for symposium. I couldn't believe the crap I was able to pack!

    1. Ooo! I'm going to give that a shot! Thanks!

    2. Oh my gosh!! Rolling made such a huge difference! I'm in awe!!

  4. The first time my (then) boyfriend (now husband) went one a day trip to the beach with my son he was laughing about my "over packing". Well, well, well... those 4 pairs of underwear and 4 pairs of pants and a set of pajamas and entire pack of wipes meant that he didn't have a pee-pee car on the 2 hour car ride home... Lesson. Learned.

    1. Hahahahaha!! Over packing is pretty much a necessity with kids.

  5. i lived my whole life spending the three months of summer halfway across the world: a packing nightmare. my parents were always like you, packing weeks in advance and closing the suitcases five days before we were set to leave. my sisters and i... well, we dealt with it by being the exact opposite. i'll usually pack the night before the trip (and then unpack like six months after we get back). one time, my parents went and checked in all of the luggage and when they got back my younger sister remembered that she hadn't packed. anything. it was hilarious to me and my older sister, but my parents were not amused. she ended up having to shove three months of clothes into a dufflebag and bringing it as a carry-on. the memory still makes me laugh.

    since we actually have a house in saudi arabia, i leave my closet over there pretty well stocked. one year i bought A BUNCH of underwear and just left it all there. i have pajama pants (if i really l ike a pair i'll buy two, one for america one for saudi arabia) there as well as basic t-shirts and things that i can wear at least two years in a row. i'm assuming that most people don't have the benefit of having a mostly stocked closet where they're traveling to, though. rolling clothes (which was already mentioned, i know) makes a huge difference. my sister uses those vacuum bag things (the ones to organize your closet) to fit more clothes in her suitcase, but you'll have to have a vacuum on the other side or you're stuck with too much clothes and not enough space.

    oh, and there is no such thing as overpacking when it comes to kids, in my opinion.

    1. Oh my goodness! I'm dying at your sister forgetting to pack anything!! That's like my nightmare come true!! You are so smart to keep your closet stocked in Saudi Arabia! That seems less stressful than hoping you remembered enough underwear!
