Tuesday, September 24, 2013

When too much snot pays off

(People I know in real life might've already heard this story on my Facebook page. If so, just hum a little tune to yourself while you scroll down and click on the "Top Mommy Blogs" link.)

Lucas really likes cats. One of the first animal sounds he learned to make was a cat sound (assuming of course that you know any cats that say "aaaa.")

Notice that he threw the picture of the dog onto the ground so that we could continue discussing cats. This video is from six months ago. He's much more skilled at meowing now.

I've been meaning to get Lucas a cat stuffed animal for a while now after he discovered that there was such a thing when we were in a book store. He found one and fell in love with it, and I almost bought it for him until I realized that it cost $28. Which is completely ridiculous. So we went home without the abnormally overpriced stuffed cat, but I've been on the lookout for a less expensive one ever since.

About two weeks ago, Lucas had a cold, and instead of taking his normal three-hour nap in the afternoon (I know, I'm spoiled), he only napped for 45 minutes and then woke up pretty angry at life. I figured we'd both benefit from getting out of the house, so I decided to take him to the toy store in search of a reasonably priced toy cat.

They had several options for $8 each, and I handed him two of them to let him pick which one he wanted (which was obviously a really stupid idea, because 19-month-olds don't really grasp the concept of pick ONE but not both.) Of course he wanted both of them. So I pushed him around the store while he held both kitties. I figured he'd get distracted at some point and I could sneak one away without him noticing. And then... he sneezed. Not like a cute, delicate little sneeze. And definitely not a "cover your mouth" sneeze. Snot. Was. Everywhere. Both cats were soaked. It was kind of horrifying, really. And because I didn't want to be the mom who put a disgusting, snotty cat back onto a shelf for some other unsuspecting kid to find, Lucas got two cats.

This is the face of a kid who found a way around his mom's "you can only have one toy" rule.
I ended up spending $16 on toy cats, but he loves them madly and meows at them all the time, so it was worth it in terms of child-satisfaction and mommy-amusement. I have a feeling that I shouldn't tell him this story until he's at least 25, or I'll be the mom of the child who purposefully sneezes all over things he wants because he knows I'll have to buy them.

I sneezed on this button, so now you have to click it. Those are the rules.
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


  1. ahahaha he's a genius. (because he totally did it on purpose. i watched baby geniuses. kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.) he looks so happy with the cats, though. adorable.

    1. Lol! I think you're probably right!! Tricky kid!

  2. Sticky situation. :) haha! What a cutie you have!

  3. Really adorable! I enjoyed watching the video. It really cheered me up!

  4. That is hysterical I really liked " I'll be the mom of the child who purposefully sneezes all over things he wants because he knows I'll have to buy them."

    I better not tell my little children this story for a long time, they have enough creative ways to get me to do things!

    1. Haha! How quickly they learn to get their own way! I feel like I should be taking notes!

  5. Hello Bethany,

    I'm Tracy Chopek, the college Writing Intern at Stage of Life. I saw your blog and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your posts. The "What does the kitty say?" video for this one was so cute! If you are interested, I would like to invite you to share one of your posts or a story from your life as a stay at home mom with our multi-generational blogging community on StageofLife.com in our Parents section.

    Our goal is to create the world's largest database of personal stories about life, from teens to Baby Boomers. We'd love to have you participate in our educational initiative.

    Please let me know if you have questions - thanks!

    you can email me at tracy.chopek@stageoflife.com

    1. Cool! Thanks! I'll check out your site and send you an email!

  6. Such a great story! And the little smirks in his pictures says it all..."I finally got my way, but i dont know how i did it!?"
